One of Studio K2’s favorite pass times has been watching
the construction of the building going in across the street. Having the perfect view for observing, learning, and of course critiquing from our new office windows, the office enjoys tracking the progress of our future neighbors at 1510 Market Street.
What used to be a vacant parking lot is now being transformed into a four story, steel façade architectural addition to the neighborhood. 1510 Market St, located on the corner of 15th and Market and directly across the street from our office, is to be an addition to the Rocky Mountain Seed Building housing a restaurant on the first floor, office space, and a roof top outdoor dining area. (Source.)
From traffic hold ups, steel installation, and our personal favorite, HVAC deliveries the excitement within the office grows with new developments in the progress of construction. These phases of activity at the job site, allow little moments during the day for the office to assess the work of others fostering our neighborhood, and for interesting side commentary of the construction observation to occur:
“From tiny beams to a mighty truss.” – Bruys
In our efforts to bring Art back into Architecture, the office used our daily inspiration of watching the progress of 1510 Market, and went next door to P.F. Changs (a restaurant we are all too familiar with) to sketch. This time everyone in our office got to participate in our skill development activity.
With all the construction happening near or at the corner of 15th and Market there was so much to reflect on in our drawings. The 1510 Market Site was the focus for some, who found the crane and other equipment on the site to be in the way of their artwork. The sketching activity brought questions about code and damages to the adjacent building to their mind as they looked more closely at the structure when drawing.
Additionally, the construction project just down the street was a focus for others since just days before a porta-potty from that job site was flying high above the cityscape. (See why we find the construction from our window so entertaining?)
Most were intrigued by the existing Rocky Mountain Seed building next to the construction site, focusing on the rustic front elevation. The historic building, which once sold seeds and other farming supplies during the time of mass farming in the area, was renovated into office space in 2014 (Source.)
Moreover the light restaurant activity of the late afternoon, as well as, the artistic elements of P.F.Changs’s façade was an inspiration to some office members’ sketches.
Last but not least, Bruys again somehow was able to attract the attention of fellow sketchers in which he was the motivation behind their oeuvre.
Studio K2 looks forward to seeing the final product of 1510 Market, but will sure be sad once the construction is complete since we will have to find something new to be entertained by during the day.